Itt mindent megtallsz, ami nem tartozik ms letlts cmsz al. Company Editor: Ezzel a kis (312 kB) programmal bellthatjuk, hogy milyen neveket generljon konkurrens cgek nevl a gp. Sajnos sajtokat nem lehet kszteni. Money Trainer: Vgtelen pnzt generl: Patch 1.76 Egy kiegszts, mely elg sok hibt orvosol a jtkban. A lista sajnos angolul van, s nem akarok pontatlan fordtst rni ide.
- Tutorial 1 road vehicle failed to start at end of tutorial (only affected US V4.02.168).
- Vehicles would occasionally overtake even if road wasn't clear (could also cause 2 player game to go out of sync).
- Using scenario editor to generate large worlds with high number of large cities resulted in industries failing to animate.
- Removing a broken-down power car from trains with multiple power cars could leave train in permanently broken down state.
- Routing problems with trains approaching multiple-track stations.
- Entering blank name when setting station name caused crash.
- Ships and aircraft could be sold while broken down.
- Displaying town list or industry list window in scenario editor and then generating new landscape could cause crash.
- "Please insert your CD" message not translated (German only).
- Trains wouldn't unload and load if breakdown on approach to station.
- Construction possible while quit confirmation window displayed and game paused.
- Gridlock possible if both aircraft and helicopters used at large airport.
- Certain combinations of train vehicles could cause trains to be automatically removed from track when train is reversed.
- Sea level option in scenario editor caused inconsistent results at values over +28 - Fixed (now restricted to +28)
Nos, ez a lista. Letlteni pedig a tudod.
Locomotion NL Pack Egy nagyon j kiegszt, rengeteg j jrm rhet el ltala a Locomotionhoz (csak a teljes verzihoz). Letlts: rdemesa readme fjl elolvassa, linkje:
Europa Packet Version 1.1
Magyar GySEV s MV jrmvek tartoznak hozz. Ez a Packet szksges a magyar scenarihoz (Scenariok kzl letltheted), de msra is j lehet. Mrete 1670 kB. Letlteni innen tudod: Europa Packet. Tovbbi ilyen csomagok a kszttl:
sterreich Packet Schweiz Packet Rszletes informcikat ezen az oldalon tallsz: